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Distance between two points - the distance formula in mathematical science clarifies the distance between two points. Distance and time are the basic elements that make up our real world. In this world we are like points, every day we relate to other "points" that surround us, which are more or less distant, more or less intimate. The convergence of points forms the group, the relationship between the individual and the group is interdependent. The distance between individuals is much more complex than the mathematical formula, it is accompanied by the advance of time, and it can continually have a series of subtle changes at the psychological level.

The performance "The formula of distance" shows with the language of contemporary dance a psychological path typical of contemporary society: each of us is faced with the existential pressure and the contradiction of reality, each of us during the process of relationship with another individual or with the group we may have experienced a dislocation of cognition and a disturbance of consciousness that only after a careful reflection on all the difficulties one arrives at perfect harmony.

“When the sky, the land and the people are connected, it is the right time to challenge fortune.” From this ancient Chinese saying comes a show that wants to differentiate culturally on the stage two worlds, techniques and languages. Thus emerges an ancient and modern dance at the same time, which in a harmonious way, just like the momentum that holds firmly together the sky, land and people evoked in the proverbial title, slips from the Chinese dance to the western forms, joining the two languages in a single authentic and vital expression.


'Quando il cielo, la terra e il popolo sono collegati e' il momento giusto per sfidare la fortuna' Da questo antico detto cinese nasce uno spettacolo che vuole far dialogare sul palco duo mondi,tecniche e linguaggi culturalmente differenziati. Emerge cosi una danza antica e moderna al tmepo stesso, che in modo armonico, proprio come il momentum che tiene saldi insieme cielo, terra e popolo evocati nel prverbiale titolo, scivola dalla danza cinese alle forme occidentali, congiungendo i due linguaggi in una sola autentica e vitale espressione.

Distance Formula - trailer

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